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Reshared post from +Dan Etherington

Release day on

Dismissible Recs: All recommendations shown on the site can now be dismissed, meaning you won't have to see that album recommendation for Bob Dylan for the 1000th time and you can keep your event listings ultra relevant – All feedback welcome on this as I worked on it with the design team. when logged in to get started

Event Charts: Explore your past gig going and others – this is an experimental feature – a view onto your gig going data we haven't put out before. for mine and for yours.

And last… but most certainly not least – More collaboration from data and design to put together this wonderful Valentines day special. Including a feature on couple that found love through scrobbling (and erm… talking to each other, you have to remember to do that bit too!)

Embedded Link's Valentine's Day charts
The world’s largest online music catalogue, powered by your scrobbles. Free internet radio, videos, photos, stats, charts, biographies and concerts.